Midlands and Hereford October 2023
Saturday 21st - Tuesday 24th October 2023
Four nights away to visit Mum and Robin.
John's Pictures

Saturday Evening with Mum
Saturday 21st October 2023
Drove up to the Midlands in the afternoon and in the evening went out for dinner with Mum at her local Chinese restaurant.
Sunday 22nd October 2023
We were hoping to have a nice day with Mum but ended up spending practically the whole of the daytime waiting around in hospitals, which was rather disappointing. Did at least still manage to have a Sunday roast at the end of the day.
To Hereford
Monday 23rd October 2023
Drove from the East Midlands to Hereford, where we’d be staying at Robin’s new place for the next two nights. Stopped off for lunch on the way at the Black Swan at Much Dewchurch.
Tuesday 24th October 2023
Spent the daytime having a wander round Hereford, taking in the cathedral and some of the shops. Then back to Robin’s new place again in the evening.