Favourites (Index...)

Some of my favourite images from this trip to Japan. I've uploaded these at the original size they were taken (1600x1200), in case anyone wants to use them as wallpaper or anything.

Friday 20 December 2002
Osaka castle. I particularly like the sense of perspective here. Japanese castles look very ornate, but were apparently very strong - it's hard to appreciate from this picture, but the stones at the base are huge.

Sunday 22 December 2002
In Kyoto. Enough sake to drown an elephant in. Sadly, I think the barrels were empty.

Monday 23 December 2002
The Seto Ohashi Bridge - near Okayama - longest bridge in the world (?). It looked to me like lots of Severn bridges stuck together.

Tuesday 24 December 2002
One of the rivers that run through Hiroshima. I'm really pleased with this picture. Turn it upside down, and it looks almost the same. Quite beautiful.

Wednesday 25 December 2002
A very Japanese style garden in Bingo-Ochiai, the place we went to to try and find snow.

Friday 27 December 2002
Near Hiroshima port, on a boat to Etajima. I like the layered effect of the mountains on the horizon in the middle of this picture, and the way the smoke and steam from the ships is highlighted by the sun.

Sunday 29 December 2002
In Mastsue. A big stone turtle in a temple there.

Monday 30 December 2002
The gardens around Adachi Museum of Art. In my opinion, much better than the actual exhibits.

Monday 30 December 2002
Adachi Museum Gardens again. The vivid blue sky gave the whole thing an almost unearthly quality - it felt like we were in a terraform dome on the moon or something...

Tuesday 31 December 2002
A picture of sunset taken in the suburbs of Hiroshima. In a sense I think the silhouette of the cables adds something to it. This was a particularly poignant sunset, thinking about it, as it would be the last time we'd see the sun in 2002. When it rose again, it would be 2003.

Sunday 05 January 2003
Clouds taken from the plane on the way back to England.

Sunday 05 January 2003
Siberia? Particularly bleak here. Having spent the last two weeks in Japan, and before that having been in England, both places where it is actually quite difficult to get more than a few miles away from habitation, this is quite a stark contrast.

This page was created using Photo Studio by John Hawkins.