Off to the East Midlands - London December 2010

Off to the East Midlands

Sunday 19th December 2010

Went to the East Midlands to visit Mum.

London December 2010

11:26:00 Very snowy landscapes between London and the East Midlands.11:26:09 11:26:16

11:28:26 11:28:30 11:34:27 I think I was trying to get a picture of that pantomime poster there...

11:38:22 Rather like this snowy river.11:41:18 11:41:21

15:34:11 Made Christmas sweets with Mum in the afternoon - here are the fruits of our labour (boom boom!). First marzipan bananas and lemons.15:34:21 Next marzipan strawberries.15:34:33 Oranges and limes.

15:34:42 ...and assorted creams.15:43:07 Apples and pears.15:43:13

16:55:42 The Fortnum and Mason Christmas hamper I brought up for Mum for Christmas.