Lorenzo Pirisino

Monday 5th September 2005 - The team is back

Posted on 2005/09/06 08:31:05 (September 2005).

Today all the team that I usually work with is back from holidays, and we are 100% full staff again. It has been a very har day, I was full of things to do and to care for, all in all I quite liked it.
In the evening I decided to tackle the 1000pieces jigsaw that I got sent from the states, plus ordered another one from the UK. If that arrives my collection will be finished!
It's so strange with e-bay, you order, pay and then you are left wondering about a million things, will the package be sent? Will the post office loose it? Will it have all its parts inside? AAARRRGGG... In the end I decide not to give a shit, that is better!

Comment 1

Ciao Lox,
Stavo cercando via internet informazioni sui pubs londonesi quando ho trovato il vostro website Maison de stuff. Devo ammettere che mi piace molto. Ho studiato in Inghilterra e in Italia dove ho incontrato gente diversa e piuttosto esuberante. Oggi sono sposato, ho un bambino di tre anni e a volte provo la sensazione di aver i piedi legati. Le vostre narrazioni mi permettono di cambiare aria un po. E bene quello che fate. Davvero.

Posted by Sheri D. at 2005/09/06 18:39:07.

Comment 2

Hi Sheri!!
Please do write in English if possible, most of us cannot read italian (apart from me of course)!! Where did you study? Where about in Italy were you living? Check out the messageboard as well (link from mail page) we hang out there a lot, in these years a lot of friends joined us, people who we didn't know before. So the "community" is very open to new entries!
Glad you like the site!! :P


Posted by Lox at 2005/09/07 10:23:58.

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