Lorenzo Pirisino

Saturday 22nd October 2005 – Bit of Shopping

Posted on 2005/10/24 14:17:41 (October 2005).

As it happens in these god-forsaken lands, every now and then a striding group of warehouse good sellers arrives near our place.

This was a good occasion for poking my head out of home, as the weather was rather crap and I didn’t really feel like wandering around in the misty meadows that surround us.
Fact is I hate these sorts of markets.
They sell mostly garments and shoes, usually I liked going around these places with my mum when I was a kid, but now I can tell that the things that they are selling are actually CRAP (mostly because I know fabrics a little bit better compared to 20 years ago), and I end up slagging off all the things that people sell.
Funnily enough this point of view doesn’t seem to be shared by females.
Marta knows about clothes and shoes more than me, but for some strange reasons all these “B-category” textiles end up attaching themselves to her hands in the same manner as flies stick to honey.
In the end the day at the market was a big session of “you don’t really wanna buy that!!” or “Ohhh you don’t need that crappy jumper!!” or “look at how bad is that fabric!!” or even “Enough of this Vader! Release him!”…
Only one stall was worth looking at, a kitchen supplies seller. We bought two oil bricks and a potato peeler.

Plans to go more shopping on Sunday were needed as I was deeply unsatisfied. Ikea in Switzerland and a bed furnishing shop were to be the targets!

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