Lorenzo Pirisino

Chess Game and Quote Fest

Posted on 2006/03/10 15:41:12 (March 2006).

[9th March 2006]

As widely announced in the previous post (that marks the record of comments so far for this blog), today I had to go out for dinner with my Boss after the massive argument that we had a couple of day ago.

Terence once said "Auribus tenere lupum" (I hold the wolf by the ears), meaning that in a dangerous situation is not good to let go. More or less I found myself in the same situation, of course I am not in danger of being eaten, but my peril rests in the fact that I might be "terminated" before I decide to go.
Just letting it die, without discussing things in detail, would have been just wrong, hence the decision of taming the wolf.

In order to deal with the situation, and get out of this bad spot, I had to use the advice of George Washington "There is nothing so likely to produce peace as to be well prepared to meet the enemy.”

Right, peace.

I have been thinking about this dinner for 3 days, formulating all possible discussion topics, outcomes and scenarios. Maybe I am paranoid, but if the old Latin wisdom teaches us to avoid the Gladiator situation ("Gladiator in arena consilium capit" - Seneca - The gladiator is formulating his plan in the arena - i.e. too late), then I had to think about what I wanted to achieve by this meeting.

I came to the conclusion that there was not point in bringing the fight to an upper level, and since it's "Easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend" (W.Blake), I decided to bite my tongue and to tell him the things that he wanted me to say.

I had to tell him how I felt at the time we did the American market, how I felt about letting it go, how bad I am feeling now, since I have less to do.

On his side the usual flood of compliments and nice words were uttered (he doesn't believe a single one of those), explanations on how he sees things and general view of the company were a perfect dressing for the dish that he was cooking for me.
Analyzing the situation he has little choice, I am the ONLY salesman left in the company and when I leave (I hope soon) it will put the company in a very bad situation. He cannot afford such a thing to happen so I guess he had to hide his real feelings and try to re-establish peace among us.

"Fallaces sunt rerum species" (Seneca), means that the appearances of things are deceptive; nothing is more true in a situation like that. Of course I cannot trust the situation, but I also have to think about the use of having an enemy looming around me.

I need to stick to my targets:

1. Earning a good wage until I go away.
2. Stop stressing about problems that he creates for me, it's not my company and it's not my money.

Though sad, I am forced to think that way, "Exitus acta probat" (Ovid - The end justifies the means), even if that means that I'll have to burst my ass a little bit more. If things are good maybe he might even decide to give me a raise, but all in all it's not for the money anymore, it's for the peace of mind that I have to do that...

In the end we didn't really decide anything practical, so I am not doing the States, or anything else,
I have just given my agreement to help him out in this bad situation on whatever he wants me to do.

My knee is also a good insurance, as it's not right yet, I have told him that I cannot promise to travel a lot in the near future, we'll have to see how this coming three weeks trip will shape along for the leg.

That's all really, my political session, my chess game is still on. There is no winner, but there are chances to move in the shade without having the spotlight cast on me.

A change of strategy, but "Only stupid people don't change ideas", and it's time to try a different approach, as the previous strategy didn't really pay a lot...

Comment 1

Bravo!! And I'm glad you came out of the encounter unscathed!

And I must also compliment you on being so well-read!! Excellent!! :)

Posted by Nigel at 2006/03/10 16:17:34.

Comment 2

A lot of latin quotes. I am impressed ;-)...Latin is a very good language in barbarian lands.

You have showed your policy like Mr. Benjamin Disraeli during a speech in the House of Commons.
You have adopted the strategy of an another great florentine: Francesco Guicciardini. First of all, you have to defend yourself and your own interest.

Anyway, i don't agree with your sentence "it's not my company and it's not my money". Until you work in a company, also if the boss don't fit very well, you should be in charge and very loyal. Not just for the company, but mainly for your psicological safety. If you don't respect your company, probably you can't respect yourself, professionaly speaking.

Instead very good the sentence "Only stupid people donit change ideas".....

Ok....It's enough for today.

Posted by Jack at 2006/03/10 16:35:31.

Comment 3

Nigel: Well let's say that I have tried something different, just for a change. As for me being well read I wouldn't know, I do not have the knowledge of other readers of this blog (see Jack), I sometimes "revise" quotes off the internet as I am quite bad at remembering them in a correct way.. :D

Jack: Thanks, nice words, I am flattered. As for what you say it's probably true. I do my job in a proper way, but I cannot get angry anymore if things are not right, maybe because someone decided that way... Fighting windmills it's completely pointless, and I have done it for several years now. Maybe it's true that living following ideals it's good for your soul, but bad for other aspects in life...

Posted by Lox at 2006/03/10 22:43:56.

Comment 4

Ah yes, I like the quote "Tilting at Windmills". It is so true!

Also, one of the best ways of being successful in anything is "compromise". It hurts sometimes but keeps you sane! :)

Posted by Nigel at 2006/03/11 10:33:14.

Comment 5

Too many quotations in this post...

Posted by Sheri at 2006/03/11 17:48:03.

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