Lorenzo Pirisino

Pension Scheme

Posted on 2006/06/06 10:15:21 (June 2006).

[1st June 2006]

Nothing much to report today, I have been gearing up to go back to Florence at the weekend. In the afternoon I moved to the main factory together with Marianna, the new assistant, to have a detailed view of the factory and a bit of explanation of what we do and how things are passed on.
As ma matter of fact I have become an official "tutor", mostly due to this strange contract that they made to Marianna that basically involve a tutor figure in her apprentice path (that will last 5 years).

During our visit in the main factory we stopped in the old canteen where Giorgio Mondelli (guy in the picture) was having his final retirement party!

YES, after many years of work he managed to get his pension and retire from this nutcases company. I am happy for him, he worked all his life, he's also got an incredible culture, often quoting latin and explaining ethymology of many words and italian sayings...

I cannot avoid but thinking about the fact that I will probably never see my pension in the future, although I am happy to have still quite a lot of time ahead of me.

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