Pisa Fireworks Display

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Elisa after many years managed to get us to Pisa for the "Luminarie" festival, where a lot of fireworks took place

19:36:48 Technically they wrote "AnImalIamo" which mean "Let's get animal", but I feel that it can also be read "Ano ma lo amo" (asshole, but I love it)...

21:40:49 Sun setting over the Arno river in Pisa.

21:43:34 Same shot but with a nicer light.

21:47:12 All the houses overlooking the river have been given these lamps to put at the windows, the effect is rather nice.

21:47:41 Some examples...

21:49:18 And again the Arno.

21:55:26 Sun completely set you can barely see the house...

22:24:14 The participants at the "Luminarie 2007", Luana, Elisa, Mirko (back), Fede, Gianfranco, Fabio and Francesco (of course me taking the picture).

22:24:53 This is an effect that I have made with an higher timing and mobing the camera in a certain direction! :)

23:04:38 Fireworks Some of them were absolutely brilliant, other a bit naff...

23:05:15 Fireworks

23:08:32 Nice one looks like a screensaver!

23:08:43 More fireworks

23:09:11 Ahhhhh red

23:09:54 I really don't know what to write...

23:10:43 There was little wind so the smoke from previous fireworks did cover the visual to the latter ones, a bit of a shame...

23:11:08 More fireworks.

23:11:42 This was much nicer than the picture shows.

23:12:21 It seems that it exploded right in front of me!

23:13:18 Also this one was nicer than night...

23:14:19 Multicoloured!

23:14:36 This is absolutely the best firewok pic of the night.

23:17:16 Also this one is nice...

23:19:03 Ahhhh WARP SPEED

23:20:37 crappy one...

23:21:27 Mmmmmmm

23:21:53 Mmmmmmm squared

23:23:19 That's better!

23:23:29 Double shot!

23:24:07 These little ones were quite nice.

23:24:30 More red fireworks

23:24:40 The camera has a nifty "firework" setting, it worked rather well I feel.

23:24:57 Wowo!

23:25:08 The show was around one hour long.

23:25:28 Bananas!

23:25:35 Very white.

23:25:47 The closing bits were a bit disappointing..

23:25:54 Until they came out with these glittering fireworks that were rather cool.

23:26:13 Small shots.

23:26:29 Bigger ones disturbed by the smoke...

23:26:37 And again..

23:26:50 And again!