Leon and Yukari in Dorset

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Saturday August 10th 2002. Myself and Chie were down in Dorset for the day for Simon and Susanna's Wedding, so we thought we'd try and make the most of the opportunity and fit in quick drink with Leon and Yukari afterwards, given that Leon's parents live nearby (ish).

17:54:18 Our table seems a bit lopsided here - three on one side, and presumably it's just going to be me on the other. Either they're telling me I'm overweight, or I smell bad...

17:54:22 ...or perhaps it was just engineered to get a good photo opportunity.

17:54:26 Seemingly the same picture again. Maybe because Chie had her eyes closed in the first one...?

17:54:52 I swapped place with Leon, and seemingly Chie became instantly unhappy! Yukari generously giving me the same treatment as Leon here. Thanks for that.

18:40:43 Me and Leon, too dark to make out properly, seemingly laughing at something on another table.

18:41:16 I think this is supposed to be a response to the typical Japanese peace sign deployed whenever a photograph is taken. Leon appears to have derived a particularly interesting interpretation.

18:41:44 Nice picture of the girls.

18:41:54 Chie demonstrating how anglacised she's become already, and Yukari identifies that she's still very Japanese.